gRPC Server Setup with Gradle

How to Set Up a gRPC Server Using Gradle

Step 1 : Add This Code into bulid.gradle and Change the version Accordingly

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'idea'
    id '' version '0.9.4'
group = ''
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
protobuf {
    protoc {
        artifact = ""
    plugins {
        grpc {
            artifact = 'io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.70.0'
    generateProtoTasks {
        all()*.plugins {
            grpc {}
} new File(buildDir, 'generated/source')
dependencies {
    runtimeOnly 'io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded:1.70.0'
    implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.70.0'
    implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-stub:1.70.0'
    compileOnly 'org.apache.tomcat:annotations-api:6.0.53' // necessary for Java 9+
    testImplementation platform('org.junit:junit-bom:5.10.0')
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter'
test {

Step 2 : Save and Build the project using gradle icon

Step 3 : Add a package to src/main package name is proto

syntax ='proto3';
package dummy;
option java_package='com.proto.dummy';
option java_multiple_files= true;
message Dummymessage{
service Dummyservice{}

Step 4 : Add Another package with name greeting.server in src/main/java

Step 5 : Create a java file name GreetingServer

package greeting.server;
import io.grpc.Server;
import io.grpc.ServerBuilder;
public class GreetingServer {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        int port =50051;
        Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(port).build();
        System.out.println("Server started");
        System.out.println("listening to port"+ port);
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
            System.out.println("received shutdown request");
            System.out.println("Server Stopped");

Project Structure

Before Running the above code we need some changes

— Go to settings and find gradle the change

Build and run in to IntelliJ IDEA and change Run tests into IntelliJ IDEA


Then Go To Edit configurations add Application

Change Name : GreetingServer

Build and Run To java 17

-cp to Grpc-java.main

Add GreetingServer file in main file

Apply and Okay

Then Run the project

OUTPUT for Above program